EFT or Emotional Free Techniques is a universal aid to healing both emotional and physical problems.  

It is a combination of simple, non-intrusive techniques which act very powerfully together to defuse emotional issues and the physical ailments. It is a fusion of Acupressure, Kinesiology and NLP and other complementary therapies which make EFT so powerful and flexible in its application. You can think of EFT as an Acupuncture or Acupressure (already acceptable to many people) except that we do not use needles to stimulate the energy release points, we do it by tapping on them instead. 

EFT is similar to Hypnotherapy (also widely accepted) except that we increase the power by stimulating the emotional release points with the tapping.

EFT is similar to talk therapy e.g. counselling except that we can release emotions rather than just talk about them.

EFT is a calming and relaxing technique which can neutralize the stress response and allow the body to release the chemicals effects of that response.

The list of topics covered is vast but just to give a taste of the enormous scope of this therapy here are a few of the most common usages for EFT:

Pain Management               Diabetes

Weight loss                           Allergies

Asthma                                  Trauma

Depression                            Fear/Phobias

Eating Disorders                   Blood pressure

Headaches                             Children Issues

Panic/Anxiety                        OCD


So how does this Tapping Technique work?

When we are feeling stressed it is because at some level feel threatened. When we feel threatened or in danger, part of the brain called the Amygdala begins to fire off and we go in flight or fight mode. In an instance our body reacts to a threat increasing our heart rate, pumping adrenaline through our body, our muscles tense up. Basically it goes into a overdrive to be ready for a fight.  This is powerful if we need to fight off danger but incredibly tasking on the body. The problem that we face in this modern day our Amygdala cannot tell between a real threat or a perceive one. So getting that bad phone call from your boss can create the same physical response(fear) our ancestors had when faced with a lion. Tapping on these end points of the meridians sends a calming response to a body and the Amygdala recognizes that its safe.

What is especially interesting that doing the tapping while discussing a stressful event counteracts that stress and reprogramming the response to it.

When we accept ourselves even with the problems we will find our problems no longer has control over us. The struggle ends and we can move forward.

As an AAMET Certified EFT Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, META-Health Practitioner and META-Kinetics Practitioner I work intuitively by integrating all these techniques to bring the best outcome for my clients.