Katie Hodgie

I Before I started working with Dav, I always been slightly anxious, from being afraid of almost everything as a young child to developing full blown anxiety particularly around exam times as a teenager and adult. Working with Dav allowed me to realise I had an intense fear of failure and where and when exactly it had developed. We explored the thought processes behind this fear and slowly broke it down to the core issue. Ironically I learnt not to be afraid of the fear but instead to embrace my feelings and not suppress them. Since working with Dav my levels of anxiety have reduced and I am able to reduce my own fears by myself without having to rely on other people or medications.

Working with Dav allows you to develop a new mindset, which can often seem at odds with what society expects you think but resonates more deeply with your soul. I can't recommend working with Dav highly enough, she is always kind and approachable and a lovely person to work with.

Indi lotay

I would just like to say a few words about my experience of working with Dav through her work as a Self-Mastery Coach, a title which by no means captures her ability to transform your life. When I first became to know of Dav and of her work, there were areas in my life I wished to change. I had little belief in coaches and their work, but when a family member recommended her to me I decided to give it a try. To my surprise after only a few sessions I began to see things differently and found myself connecting with myself on different levels, which I was completely unaware even existed. This gave me a new sense of being, where I felt more able to make changes, developing an inner knowing that I could deal with any change, no matter how big. Dav works includes working with limited beliefs and not just understanding them, but actually acknowledging and accepting they are part of you and how they contribute so significantly to your life experiences. From this point of peace, love and abundance and become a better version of yourself in different areas of your life, including areas such as work. But most importantly you benefit the most by knowing the programmes which run in you and knowing where they are coming from.

If you are experiencing something in life you wish to change, no matter how big or small, I would definitely recommend working with Dav. She truly is gifted and will not only help to get you to where you want to be, but will give you the awareness to allow you to deal with challenges at any point in your life.


This is an experience worth diving into, even if it's 1000ft high!

Before I had met Dav I was clueless, blind and so suppressed within myself. Its opened my eyes, opened my mind and mostly my soul.

I was under the pressure of society, people's opinions and self judgement. I found out things I never knew about myself. I've learnt to love myself which people really don't know how to do. I enjoy myself! I've never been so open minded and love how I can just let go now.

Truth is no words can describe how amazing it is to work with Dav, these are just words, the experience seriously leaves you speechless! There's magic in her work (especially with her cards!)

You'd be missing out on a whole new life if you didn't invest in yourself with Dav.


MANJOT KAUR              Having drafted a review several times to give what I felt would be of service to anyone reading it, I have only come to this conclusion, you are simply such a beautiful, compassionate gift, who has further helped me on my journey to move away from many limiting beliefs holding me back, and further shown me we are all unconditional love and powerful creators. This powerful reminder in itself, alongside your incredible healing gifts, authentic advice, and incredible ways to remind me of the abundance in the world has been beyond invaluable.  I feel so blessed and incredibly lucky to have you in my life within so many forms. You helped me in so many ways in my journey of self discovery,  self love and self healing in a kind and compassionate way that's helped me feel more peace and a sense of emancipation. I would highly recommend your gifts and services to others on their path for true self enlightenment, to help them get to the source of their struggles and remind them of the divine great love around and within.  Thank you so dearly from the bottom of my heart  


RICHARD WINFIELD           I have been on an active personal development journey for more than two decades, travelling the world and spending many tens of thousands of pounds with great teachers.  Although partly for professional development purposes I have also been working on my emotional self and releasing emotional baggage. But recently I have been frustrated that there was still one key issue to address. But what? Davinder found it and sorted it within three hours. I am now an active ambassador on her behalf and will recommend her to anyone.