
My name is Davinder Ubhi.  As a Self Mastery Coach I help to transform people’s lives by connecting to higher energy and releasing the blockages that are dragging their frequency down. This gives access to their own innate abilities to self master their physical and emotional challenges with the sense of empowerment and freedom.

I remember as a child being aware of this loving force presenting itself to me to make me aware that it was far greater than any pain or obstacle.  I could sense this energy being very wise, powerful and untouched by any pain. Intuitively I knew this energy of love and wisdom existed to help us all heal.

However, this inner knowing gradually receded due to living tirelessly with the daily expectations of worldly requirements – my education, family, friends, community, children, job, marriage etc..  The outer world became my priority in order to survive.

Even though I have been a vegetarian since childhood, maintained an ideal weight and led a healthy lifestyle I was still suffering from various chronic illnesses. I had undergone numerous tests and costly medical procedures but still my health continued to deteriorate. I got to the stage where I felt defeated by my medical problems and was extremely puzzled as to why I was always sick.

Six years ago life became unbearable when unexpectedly I lost both my parents and also suffered other major crises which had a dire effect on my health. I was losing my will to live as it was becoming incredibly tasking to do even the simplest chores.  

Fortunately I believed in the power of prayer and with a sincere wish to know what was behind all this, I sent out a heartfelt prayer.  And to my amazement through synchronised events I overheard a person talking about META-Health Academy at a Wellbeing Forum.  Instantly this voice inside me said:  This is the answer to your prayer.

With my excellent training and personal coaching with META-Health Academy it helped me to eliminate all fears of my illnesses. I started to develop complete trust and respect in my body’s intelligence as I became more and more aware how it was intuitively supporting me to heal all past unresolved traumas. Just after four months of personal coaching I no longer required any medications.  Releasing old limiting beliefs buried deep in my subconscious mind my spiritual growth accelerated with sudden heightened sensory awareness. My inner knowing that I had retained since childhood, which had been pushed to back of my mind began to resurface and became my main ally and guidance tool.  The META-Health therapeutic healing process is truly transformational; it allows the baggage from the past to turn into learning about yourself more, knowing yourself more and loving yourself more.

“If your energy frequency is low then you will attract challenges, delays and disruptions, things do not go smoothly.  We all have different levels of energy on different subjects but when you release the blocks and raise your whole frequency you will begin to attract prosperity, health, love, fulfilling career and loving relationships and easily overcome the struggles of the past” 

Being more directed by a loving force energy that came through me allowed my perception to change with a greater awareness.  I noticed as I changed and became more connected to my inner true authentic self it was having a positive shift on the people around me. Realised that by allowing Source Energy to guide me, it was possible to live a happier, healthier and authentic life.

“The Ulitmate Healing is the awakening to your innate power and worth.  There is nothing that cannot be healed through the power of knowing your REAL SELF”

No matter which therapeutic tools I use I will connect to the Love Source Energy and work with this energy to help all my clients to embrace the Universal Truth of acknowledging the gift of love that lies within their pain. This allows my clients to move forward, when they are experiencing feeling of despair, lost or stuck in their lives.

“As you embrace every challenge as an opportunity to grow, you have no choice but to become a better version of yourself.”